The North – 31


“I will speak as liberal as The North” — Othello, Act V, Scene 2

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Poems by:  Joan Jobe Smith, Stephen Knight, Jill Pirrie, Lucy Maddux, Pat Gilbey, Jonathan Wonham, Stephen Miles, Ann Kelly, Lee Russell, M R Peacocke, Andy Brown, Mike di Placido, Pauline Plummer, Caroline Bird, Katharine Banner, Stuart Mallinson, Robert Hershon, Dean Parkin, Robin Fulton, Andy Croft, Bernadette Higgins, Jane Routh, Gerard Benson, Kate Bass, E A Markham, and Irene Rawnsley.


Anna Adams, ‘A Brief Guide to David Constantine’

William Palmer, ‘Crossing The Bridge: Hart Crane’

Blind Criticism: Andy Croft, Jane Routh and Jennifer Compton on ‘Once the Days’, Dean Glover

Gerard Benson on Gerard Benson (part 2)

Poets I Go Back To:  Stephen Knight and E A Markham

Steven Waling, ‘Kenneth Koch: An Appreciation’



Paul Mills on Les Murray

Andy Croft on Tony Curtis

Stephen Wade on Wanda Barford, Gavin Bantock, Jane Duran and Lotte Kramer

Neil Roberts on E A Markham

Cliff Yates on Kathleen Jamie

U A Fanthorpe on Diana Hendry

Vic Allen on Alice Oswald, John Fuller, Jeremy Over, Frances Presley and Geoffrey Hill