The North – 11


“The Magnetic North almost always differs from the true” — Woodhouse, 1812



Poems by:  Stanley Cook, Milner Place, Geoff Hattersley, Ruth McIlroy, E A Markham, David Martin, Neil Curry, Paul Violi, Max Boyle, David Santer, Bob Cooper, Peter Plate, Martin Edwards, Diana Hekt, Stuart Rushworth, Mara Bergman, John Forth, John Christopher, Johnson, John Arnold, Martyn J Lowrey, Linda Macdonald, Stan Jacoby, Cliff Yates, Peter Daniels, Moniza Alvi, Anne Blonstein, and Linda France.

Articles by:  Joan Board (on Stanley Cook), John Killick (on Stanley Cook), and Norman Howlings (on Stanley Cook).

Fiction by:  John Critchley, Peter Lane, Andrew Midgley, and Peter Plate.

Artwork by:  Stanley Cook, and Marion Shields.

Blind Criticism (Keith Jafrate and Evangeline Paterson on ‘In a Foreign Hospital’, Bernard Spencer)

Letters to the editors.