“In this unique anthology, we are grounded in a universe of pain and reward, of oblique compulsions made concrete, and of the incalculable benefits to individual wellbeing and directed collective purpose.” – The Yorkshire Times (read full review)
“… Some of the poet-runners are running from their own pasts … while others are running through wider histories: Lynne Rees, for example, is “running through the wondrous silence of history.” John McLeod runs through history in a rather different way, in his brilliant poem, ‘Running – a bucket list’. Here, running becomes a kind of time travel, as the narrator imagines running through key moments in history and mythology …” – extract from a review by Jonathan Taylor in Under the Radar issue 25
Tracey Herd
What I Remember
is not the race itself but the evening
which disappeared in a tangle of diving
sunlight and nerves as I hugged myself,
chilled, and waited for the starter, bent
forward, the tang of mown grass
sprayed like water and the white lines
freshly painted on the spongy red track,
breasting the tape, alone and splendid,
queen of my own universe, then the medal
like a tiny sun catching the last of the light,
and feeling as if my heart would burst.
Paul Deaton’s A Watchful Astronomy (Seren, 2017), was a PBS Recommendation and a National Poetry Day selected title.
Kim Moore’s The Art of Falling (Seren, 2015) won the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize. She has won a New Writing North Award, an Eric Gregory Award and the Geoffrey Dearmer Prize.
Ben Wilkinson’s Way More Than Luck was published by Seren in 2018. He has won the Poetry Business Book and Pamphlet Competition and a Northern Writers’ Award.