The North – 27


“The eyes of the world were turned to The North” — Robert Service

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Poems by:  David Constantine, Philip Gross, Ian McMillan, Jill Pirrie, Laurence James, Antonia Banyard, Howard Wright, Ralph Hawkins, Harry George, Gordon Day, Terese Svoboda, Beth Collier, Eileen Jones, Joe Fearn, Catherine Benson, Linda France, Andrew Waterhouse, R V Bailey, Joan Jobe Smith, Paul Mills, Dorothy Nimmo, and Martin Stannard.


Poets I Go Back To:  Steven Waling, Harry Guest and Catherine Fisher.

Gerard Benson: The Early Years

Blind Criticism: Susan Utting and Andrew Waterhouse on ‘Far Point’, Charles Tomlinson



Anna Adams on Cowper’s Letters, C K Stead, Libby Houston and Jane Draycott

R V Bailey on Grevel Lindop and Alison Brackenbury

Andrew Stibbs on Vernon Scannell, John Mole, Nick Drake and Pauline Plummer

Hubert Moore on Catherine Fisher and U A Fanthorpe

Stephen Wade on some new anthologies

Milner Place on David Morley and James Sutherland-Smith

John Duffy on K M Dersley, Mark Abraham, Pam Thompson, Alan Peat, Kym Martindale and Edward Denniston

Paul Mills on Edwin Morgan