With its emphasis on line, balance and space, poetry is a form well- suited to climbing. The powerful poems in this debut collection celebrate what makes climbing a compulsion, while exploring parallel themes of risk, loss and motivation.
David Wilson lives in North Yorkshire and has been an active climber for many years. As well as poetry, he has written a novel, praised by The Times as a ‘tour de force’ and by the Daily Telegraph as ‘wonderfully ironic … a kind of intellectual and emotional history of the times’.
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What Writers and Critics Think
I would like to single out pamphlets from which individual poems left particularly sharp impressions. David Wilson’s pamphlet 'Slope' proved memorable for two contrasting poems. One, ‘Summer with Yeats’, describes skills needed for successful rock-climbing, in exquisitely light, falling rhythms: ‘as / through cold fingers / glittering summer runs’. ‘Everest’, sad and succinct, describes a mountain ruined by too many climbers: ‘a sheet from which the music’s fled’.
Alison Brackenbury, extract from PN Review Jan 2017