Jo Haslam
Jo Haslam worked for over 20 years for the Kirklees Library Service as a Bibliotherapist and Customer Service Officer at Slaithwaite Library.
She has previously been awarded runner-up in the National Poetry Competition in 2005, as well as winning second prize in The Plough and winning prizes with Mslexia, Yorkshire Open and Templar Poetry competitions. Jo has also had her poetry published in various poetry magazines including The Rialto and The North. She was awarded second place in the National Poetry Society Competition in 2011. In 2014 she won 2nd prize in the Charles Causley competition.
On the Kiso Road was published by Templar in 2012 and received a Straid award. In 2018 a new collection titled Fetch published by Templar, launched with a reading at Keats House .