We’re delighted to be partnering with The Writing Squad once again for our upcoming digital residency programme.
Starting in February, a group of exciting young writers will be producing digital content for The Poetry Business, including blog posts, audio recordings, writing prompts and more. Keep your eyes on our blog and social media!
Our Digital Poets in Residence for February are Thea Ayres and Liv Aldridge – find out about them below.
Thea Ayres

Thea Ayres is a poet from West Yorkshire, and a graduate of the Writing Squad. Her work has been published in The North, Poetry Wales, Ink Sweat and Tears, The Scribe and Strix. She was highly commended in the Frosted Fire First Pamphlet Competition 2023. Her work has been commissioned by Dead [Women] Poets Society and the Arc Project.
Liv Aldridge

Liv Aldridge is a poet from Småland in the south of Sweden. In November 2023, her Micro-Chapbook ‘Bad Air’ of poems she wrote when she lived in Kraków was published by The Braag. Her poems have appeared in Ink Sweat & Tears, Porridge Magazine and Carmen et Error. She is currently editor of The Gentian Journal for the Durham University Poetry Society.
About The Writing Squad
The Writing Squad provides workshops, 1:1 support and investment for young writers.
Their free two year programme is for writers aged 16-21 who live, work or study in the North of England, after which they continue to provide support to writers as they begin their careers.
They have supported 277 writers since 2001.
For more information – www.writingsquad.com