The Children’s Game


Dorothy Nimmo was an actress for ten years, a wife-and-mother for 25. In 1980 she started to write; in 1989 she ran away from home. She passed away in Yorkshire in May 2001.

Nimmo has come into her own with this luminous collection… Keen Nimmo fans relish her acute eye and care for family life, for English eccentricity and her glimpses of mysticism in everyday life. Quaker sensibility… is Nimmo’s home ground and she exploits it with wit and originality.  Peter Porter

Dorothy Nimmo’s work contrives to be both intensely personal and self-effacing: it is both ‘provincial’ and ‘universal’. Frederick Raphael, PN Review

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The Children’s Game was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation.

With sly skill and ardent single-mindedness Dorothy Nimmo captures the terrors of childhood, of motherhood, of growing old. 

Nimmo has published four previous collections of poetry, including her acclaimed long sequence on James Nayler, the 17th century ‘Quaker Jesus’, part of which is reproduced in this volume.