Safety Behaviour


Safety behaviours are coping strategies we use in situations or moments of fear, anxiety or panic. This thrilling collection finds a dark humour that sustains the reader through these unsettling but necessary poems.

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What Writers and Critics Think

  • Her work is beautiful, sure. But also when I read an Emma Jeremy poem, I’m left with a feeling I couldn’t have known any other way. Jeremy imagines what I was just about to think but without her, never would. Brilliantly strange and full of quiet humour, Safety Behaviour serves itself up like a piece of delicious cake, and, lucky for us, there’s enough for everyone.

    Wayne Holloway-Smith
  • The imaginative range displayed here makes for a thrilling reading experience. These poems inhabit what it means to be embodied, never letting the reader off the hook. There is a offbeat sense of humour running through these poems, too, which adds to the unsettling effect.

    Kayo Chingonyi
  • This is a poignant collection that explores human emotions and the disintegration of the mind.



Emma Jeremy was born in Bristol and lives in London. She studied English at Brunel University, and her poems have featured in publications such as Rising, Poems in Which and Poetry London. She was shortlisted for the Poetry School/Nine Arches Press Primers scheme in 2016 and was a winner of The New Poets Prize in 2018.