All My Important Nothings
Maura Dooley was Poet-in-Residence at Jane Austen’s home in Chawton, Hampshire. The house, now a museum, is where Austen wrote most of her novels. Maura Dooley invited a group of fellow-poets to express something of their own connection with one of this country’s greatest writers.
The pamphlet includes poems by Jonathan Davidson, Abigail Parry, Paula Meehan, Ian Duhig, Zaffar Kunial, Stephen Knight, Katrina Naomi, Jack Underwood, Imtiaz Dharker, Blake Morrison, Alicia Stubbersfield, Daljit Nagra, Stephanie Norgate, Gillian Clarke, Lavinia Greenlaw and Jackie Kay.
Jane Austen’s House Museum is open to the public.
Maura Dooley’s work includes Life Under Water and the anthology she edited The Honey Gatherers: Love Poems. She has twice been short-listed for the T S Eliot Award. She teaches at Goldsmiths College, London and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. Her new collection, The Silvering, is published in 2016.
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